‘Under-promise but over-deliver’
WHO delivers my training?
Your chief instructor, Patrick, side-stepped an early university education to pedal solo behind the Iron Curtain from London to Istanbul at 17.
On his return he embarked on what turned out to be a 37 year, slightly unconventional military career – almost exclusively spent bouncing between the UK’s parachute and commando forces.

As his experienced and hardened instructors used to regularly remind him during this extensive robust training: ‘I don’t mind, Sir – and you don’t matter much either!’ This early practical introduction to motivational psychology took a giant leap forward in 2020 when he graduated with First Class BSc (Hons) in Psychology – the foundation stone of his ‘second career’ as New Synapse’s Founder & Principal.
At the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst he was surprised to be awarded both the Sword of Honour (top military cadet) and the Queen’s Gold Medal (top academic). Shortly after completion of his Army commando training at Royal Marines Lympstone he won a military scholarship to read for a modern Arabic degree at Durham University, graduating in 1982.
Over four years as an instructor at first Sandhurst and then the Joint Services Staff College convinced Patrick that he flourished in a forward-oriented training environment. Following a 2-year secondment to the SAS Directorate / HQ Special Forces, culminating in the award of a military MBE, he spent his last decade of service on extended overseas tours in: the Middle East, Europe, Sierra Leone, Southern Africa and South America.

Two years as the Ministry of Defence lead on UK Defence and Security policy for Sub-Saharan Africa alongside Foreign Office and Department for International Development (DfID) colleagues gave him briefing exposure up to Ministerial and Cabinet level across Whitehall and internationally.
In 2012 he began re-training in psychology. He maintained a particular interest in cognitive and developmental psychology. In parallel he undertook further formal continuation and professional development training in neuroscience and associated areas. He is a registered member of the British Psychological Society, a qualified Buzan mind-mapping instructor and a certified BASI Pilates instructor. Patrick & Margrit share a belief in the potentially huge benefits of re-introducing very carefully controlled physical movement to older bodies. Margrit is a registered Ashtanga Yoga instructor, balancing out Patrick’s Pilates teaching qualification.
When not engaged in keeping himself abreast of fast-moving psychology and neuroscience developments, Patrick splits his time between wonderfully happy grand-father’s ‘duties’, long distance cycle touring on specially adapted Brompton bicycles, or snow-shoeing in the high Alps. At home in West Dorset he’s a novice bee-keeper.